Birth Defect Prevention: What Can you Do?

January is Birth Defect Prevention Awareness Month. Here is what you should know.

While not all birth defects are preventable, it is important to take measures to try to decrease the risk!

Prenatal vitamins replenish your body after sharing nutrients with your growing baby and also play a crucial role in the prevention of birth defects. One of the most important components of these vitamins is folic acid, the synthetic version of a vitamin called folate.

What is “Cord Blood and Tissue Banking”?

The umbilical cord is the structure that carries blood rich with oxygen from the mother to the fetus along with other nutrients that essentially feed the baby during the gestational period. In the past, this structure was thrown away after delivery, viewed as merely another component of medical waste but research has found it to contain incredible healing potentials.

Let’s Talk About Sexual Health

September was Sexual Health Month but more importantly, it can serve as a reminder of what we should be doing year round. Take charge of your sexual health! Here’s how.

Sexual Health doesn’t just mean condom use; it is much more comprehensive than that. It includes mental, sociocultural and physical components as well as a mix of general knowledge that applies to many people and information that is unique to us. It includes our attitudes toward our bodies, our sexuality, and our initiatives to promote synergy between these aspects whether that is through working on our relationship with ourselves, communicating with our partners, getting STI testing with appropriate frequency and/or staying educated on related topics from reliable sources.

What do I do with my old meds?

When it comes to proper disposal of old or unused prescription or over-the-counter drugs there are a lot of mixed messages about what it is we should do. What we may view as common practices, for example simply throwing them away in the trash or flushing them down the toilet, have been found to be harmful to us and to our environments.

Racism is a Healthcare Issue

A multitude of disparities exist in our healthcare systems but one of the most pressing, systemic and unsettling ones lies in the quality of care, treatment and outcomes of black women relative to their non-black counterparts. This is especially true in the fields of obstetrics where black mothers-to-be are often plagued with stereotypes that can ultimately affect their lives and their baby’s lives and wellbeing.

Breastfeeding: a Win-Win for you and your baby

Breastfeeding has been found to contribute vastly to many aspects of wellbeing for both mother and baby. ACOG recommends exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life. This is called exclusive breastfeeding. After these initial months, mothers can begin to wean their baby off the breast and slowly introduce other food types. This should be viewed as a transition period and it is important to remember that ultimately, it is up to the mother and her baby to decide when breastfeeding should subside completely.

Offering you a Helping Hand

For new moms, or moms-to-be, the chaos surrounding the COVID-19 situation can be especially frightening. With a state-wide stay-at-home order, it may seem impossible to find support but thankfully, select providers are offering their services online.

The Dangers of Antibiotic Overuse: What you should know

The majority of us have taken antibiotics at some point in our lives whether it was for an Urinary Tract Infection  (UTI), a cold, or as preventative measures following surgery. While antibiotics prove to be very useful when used correctly, they have become a weighing problem in healthcare because of overuse and misuse.